Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"Now Accepting Applications...."

Happy Hump Day people!!!!!!

So today's skit involves what I imagine an audition/interview for being on a team like say, the Illuminati must be like. You never know who'll show up looking to join.

Not to mention having to the one to actually be conducting said interviews. What a pain in the ass that must be.

Ladies and Gentlemen.........
Now accepting all Applications.......

The End



IADW said...

Beast needs to host American Idol. This is a great idea for a skit mr. You could do auditions for all kinds of stuff.

Though it does take a bit to stop feeling sorry for that cat before you can laugh again :)

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

@Dan: Right? I just may consider/steal that idea;)

Thx mate. Glad you enjoyed it;)

"Closing time. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here."

Well..... I kinda always knew this day would come, and it sure has. It's been a hell of a ride, but it's time to for it end. Ti...