Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Top 5: Questions You Always Wanted To Ask Ghost Rider

Happy Hump Day!!!!!

Just got my laptop back Monday, and I've been working like a son of a bitch to catch up on the skit work I've fallen behind on. But back on track I am, as I've been writing new skits and taking new skit pics.

I've also downloaded a new version of Paint.Net, and man has that made all the difference lately.
It makes creating dialogue balloons that much easier. I wish I had this sooner, especially when working on the first issue(and sadly only) of Kansas.

Anyhoo, here's the top 5 questions I've thought of that you've probably always wanted to ask Ghost Rider but were rightfully afraid to ask.....

The End

Goddamn I love the Creeper! Seriously he's such a smart ass, but he pulls it off so well. Kinda' reminds of me someone I know;)

Got more swag yesterday. A good buddy of mine alerted me that my local Walmart just stocked the entire ML Hulk-Buster Wave of figures, to which I didn't walk, I ran. Hey, the call of that Plastic Crack is real. It's DAMN REAL!!!

Sadly I only got one figure, Blizzard.

He's a solid figure actually, I just wish he had the same look as the one from the 90's Iron Man Animated series line of figures.

If only I didn't have a girlfriend and payday was two weeks away, I'd have bought more, especially that Superior Venom figure I want so badly, and the Valkyrie and Tundra figures in this Hulk-Buster Wave. 

Oh well, hopefully next time soon.....

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"Closing time. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here."

Well..... I kinda always knew this day would come, and it sure has. It's been a hell of a ride, but it's time to for it end. Ti...